Talleres Deportivos y Extraprogramáticos 2024

Como cada marzo, te presentamos la oferta de talleres de Pre Kínder a Cuarto Medio en los que podrán inscribirse los estudiantes este año. Los talleres deportivos y extraprogramáticos comenzarán el lunes 18 de marzo. Aquí también encontrarás la Ficha de Inscripción y recomendaciones prácticas previas a su inicio.


  • Workshops for Pre School will extend from the 13:15 a las 14:30 horas.
  • For those enrolled students who use the bus service schoolthese will only cover the departure of the day Wednesday. Each family must give notice to the driver corresponding to the boy or the girl will go out later.
  • The one day workshop is recommended send the kids a second a light snack that does not require heat and easy to consume during a recess of 10 minutes.
  • Workshops for Basic education and Media will be from the 16:05 a las 17:30 horas.
  • The school transportation for students between 1° and 12° cover the days Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. There will be No tour at 17:30 hours on Friday.
  • The external workshops have a monthly cost are the responsibility of the teacher dictates and must be paid directly to them. They will work while they have a minimum of children.
  • Any cash payment for workshops sent via Starbook or school agenda will come in a sealed envelope with the name of the teacher of the workshop.
  • The price of the Sports Workshops es de $90.000 anual (valor en Ficha de Inscripción). En caso de los Extraprogramáticos have variable costs and your payment is monthly and is detailed under each description.
  • En el mes de marzo se cancelará la mitad del valor mensual de cada taller extra programático.
  • Avoid removing students once enrolled. If you do a workshop extraprogramático must give you written notice at least a month in advance with a copy to the coordinator of workshops Miss Rosana Ubello to rubello@scross.cl. In the case of sports cars you should write to Francisco Labrin to flabrin@scross.cl.

Registration sheets


Psychomotor (Mixed)

Workshop oriented to students who begin their addition to the traditional games and pre-games. The members of this workshop, you will learn a very entertaining way, all the necessary tools to be able to play and share with their classmates.
Course: Pre-K
Days: Wednesday
Time: 13:15 a 14:30 horas
Profesora: Miss Paulina Acevedo y Magdalena Calaf

Course: Kindergarten
Days: Wednesday and Friday
Time: 13:15 a 14:30 horas
Profesora: Miss Paulina Acevedo y Magdalena Calaf


This workshop aims to present the basic fundamentals of the sport, give you the tools to face a competition, and power through self-improvement, perseverance, and camaraderie, improve each day of his technique and the way to develop on the pitch, given that, being a team sport, it requires the joint effort to achieve better achievements.
Course: 4º-5º-6º-7° y 8° básicos (Mixto)
Days: Monday and Wednesday
Time: 16:00 to 17:30 hours

Course: Teaching Media
Days: Monday and Wednesday
Time: 17:30 a 19:00 horas
Profesor: Mister José Miguel García

Athletics (Mixed)

This workshop is aimed to deliver to the student (a) the different techniques for sports that are unique to the
discipline, with the aim of enhancing their abilities, both physical and mental. Reinforcing the concepts of overcoming and perseverance.
Course: 1º- 2º- 3º básicos (mixto)
Days: Monday and Wednesday
Time: 16:00 to 17:30 hrs

Course: 4º a 8º básicos (mixto)
Days: martes y jueves
Time: 16:00 to 17:30 hrs

Enseñanza Media y Selección
Day: lunes y jueves
Hours: 17:30 a 19:00 hrs.
Profesora: Miss Magdalena Calaf

Básquetbol (mixto)

This workshop aims to present the basic fundamentals of the sport, give you the tools to face a competition, and power through self-improvement, perseverance, and camaraderie, improve each day of his technique and the way to develop on the pitch.

Courses: 3º- 4º básicos
Days: martes y jueves
Time: 16:00 to 17:30

Courses: 5º- 8º básicos
Days: Monday and Wednesday
Time: 16:00 to 17:30

Selection and E. Half
Day: To agree with the professor
Profesores: Mister Bersezio y Mister Vargas

Men's Soccer

This workshop's mission is to spread the sport of soccer, from its foundation more basic, through games and practices of initiation, until the completion of most of the essential aspects of the
sport. During the practice, the student will demonstrate skills that will improve on the technical, tactical, and above all, to the personal growth and coexistence with their peers.

Course: Kindergarten
Days: Wednesday and Friday
Time: 13:15 a 14:30 horas
Profesores: Mister Peters y Mister García

Courses: 1º – 2º básicos
Days: lunes y jueves
Time: 16:00 to 17:30 hours
Profesores: Mister Cock

Courses: 3º – 4º Basic
Days: miércoles y jueves
Time: 16:00 to 17:30 hours
Profesor: Mister Mora

Courses: 5º – 6º básicos
Days: Monday and Wednesday
Time: 16:00 to 17:30 hours
Profesores: Mister Matías Peters

Courses: 7º y 8º básicos
Days: martes y viernes
Time: 16:00 to 17:30 hours
Profesor: Mister Mora

Course: Teaching Media
Days: martes y viernes
Time: 16:00 to 17:30 hours
Profesor: Mister Matías Peters

Women's Soccer

Workshop that teaches the fundamentals of tactical and technical soccer, oriented to the development of training in this discipline.

Courses: 4º a 8º básico y E.Media
Day: Monday Time: 16:00 to 17:30 hrs
Day: Friday Time: 16:00 to 17:30 hrs
Profesor: Mister Bersezio

Gimnasia Artística

Through this sports discipline is expected to develop aspects such as posture, body expression and the different skills of the sport.

Because of the characteristics of the competition will be implemented from this year, a new mode of practice per level. It is important to note that the girls as they level up, they will change your day of training.

Course: 1° a 4° básicos
Days: martes y viernes
Time: 16:00 to 17:30 hrs
Profesoras: Miss María Teresa, Miss Paulina y Miss Javiera

Course: 5° básico a Enseñanza Media
Days: lunes, miércoles y jueves
Time: 16:00 to 17:30 hrs
Teachers: Miss Priscilla, Miss Ximena and Miss Constance



The methodology of this discipline is based on the concept of a “personal victory”, in which each student competes against himself, and the mission of the teacher is to convey concepts and values to the members.
Objective: promote values and behaviors such as respect, discipline, self-esteem, confidence and character.

Courses: Pre-K Kindergarten
Day: Monday
Hours: 13:15 a 14:30 horas

Course: 1° a 6° Básico
Day: Monday
Hours: 16:05 a 17:30
Value for all courses: To $30,000 monthly
A teacher for all courses: Kevin Suazo – kevinsuazo.ata@gmail.com


Regardless of the knowledge prior to this, in this dynamic workshop, children will understand the importance of a balanced diet. This methodology motivate them to develop a conduct nutritional appropriate. In addition, they will be able to experiment and carry out recipes fun and easy which can be repeated at home and shared with family. They will learn techniques, cooking basics, how to use ingredients and utensils correct.

Courses: Pre-K and Kindergarten
Day: Lunes
Hours: 13:15 a 14:30 horas
Value: To $30,000 monthly
Teachers: Camila Labraña – clabrana@scross.cl


Following simple instructions, fun, and in order, the kids will enjoy the art, experimentation, music, movement, discovery, games, narrations, among many disciplines. Promote the awakening of the curiosity and creativity to the success of early learning.

Course: Pre-K and Kindergarten
Day: Wednesday
Hours: 13:15 to 14:15 hours
Value: To $30,000 monthly
Teachers: Camila Labraña – clabrana@scross.cl


The workshop is aimed at all those children that enjoy making up stories and ilustrándolas.

During the semester, the children will work on writing and illustrating his story and then send it to a print shop and get a book, album, hardcover.

Courses: 3° and 4° Basic / 5° and 6°, Basic
Days: Thursday
Hours: 16:15 to 17:30 hours
Value: To $30,000 monthly
Value of the book to be printed: $19.990
Teachers: Claudia Pelissier – claudiapelissierm@gmail.com – +56983615798


In this workshop the children will have fun creating with our own hands,
crafts, making art and exploring with different materials. The
objective of the workshop is to promote the development of creativity that will help you
to generate new ideas, helping to be able to express themselves better and have fun
creating. Includes materials.

Course: Pre-K
Day: Thursday
Hours: 13:15 a 14:30
Value: $35.000 mensual
Professor: Adriana Lara – adriana.lara@gmail.com

Course: Kindergarten
Day: Thursday
Hours: 13:15 a 14:30
Value: $35.000 mensual
Professor: Adriana Lara – adriana.lara@gmail.com

Course: 1° y 2°
Day: Wednesday
Hours: 16:15 to 17:30
Value: $35.000 mensual
Professor: Adriana Lara – adriana.lara@gmail.com


El taller permitirá a los niños profundizar en su conocimiento del ukelele a través
del estudio de variado repertorio. Podrán afinar el ukelele, a leer distintos acordes
y a tocar mientras se canta.
El estudio de un instrumento trae múltiples beneficios tales como el fortalecimiento
de la memoria y la concentración, la mejora del estado de ánimo, el desarrollo de
la creatividad, el incremento del orden, la constancia y la disciplina, el trabajo de la
paciencia y de la coordinación motriz.


  • Have a ukulele soprano (can be bought from the $25,000
  • El taller puede funcionar con un mínimo de 6 alumnos.

Course: 4° a 5° Básico
Day: Monday
Hours: 16:05 a 17:30 horas
Value: To $30,000 monthly
Professor: Constanza Castro – ccastro@scross.cl


The Theater Workshop, The Window is proposed as objectives to improve body awareness, develop the creative potential, the expressive capacity and astonishment of the students, in addition to deepening the understanding and respect of self and others, leading to a communication empathetic.

The method is active, playful and collaborative, and it draws on research, observation, analysis, and creation of cross-disciplinary manner

Both the objectives and processes are part of a holistic paradigm that understands the human being as a unit psicobiológica, in a dynamic, inclusive of physical, emotional and intellectual.

Course: 5° a 10° Básico
Day: Tuesday
Hours: 16:15 to 17:30 hours
Value: To $30,000 monthly
Professor: Marcela Forestay – mestay@scross.cl


The workshop will be based on the interpretation of varied repertoire, from classical to popular, where members will be able to sing to voices and to develop a good vocal technique. The grouping formed during the days of working together will be able to represent the school in possible events, competitions and ceremonies to be developed during the year.

Course: 3° y 6° Básico
Day: Tuesday
Hours: 16:05 a 17:30
Value: Free
Professor: Constanza Castro – ccastro@scross.cl


Desarrolla el canto popular de manera personalizada. Aprenderás qué canciones son más adecuadas para tu timbre de voz, técnicas de canto, afinación, desplante en escenario y uso correcto del micrófono.

Course: 7° a 12° Básico
Day: Friday
Hours: 16:05 a 17:30
Value: $30.000
Professor: Constanza Castro – ccastro@scross.cl


The main objective of the workshop is to encourage children to develop their creativity and decision making while creating characters, and imagine stories through modelling in plasticine, in addition to motivate the team work and individual responsibility within the group.

Course: 2° a 5° Básico
Day: Wednesday
Hours: 16:05 a 17:30
Value: $30.000
Professor: Valeria Cannelloni – vcanelon@scross.cl


The workshop involves the exploration of different techniques of the VISUAL ARTS.

Course: 3° y 4° básico
Day: Thursday
Hours: 16:05 a 17:30
Value: $35.000
Professor: Elizabeth Aguilar – eaguilar@scross.cl


This workshop will teach you the techniques and skills necessary to draw from scratch what students want, both in real life as artistic styles that already exist. Learn about composition, proportion, perspective, anatomy, and all the necessary tools for drawing.
Materials: Croquera of at least 15x15cm, pencil or mechanical pencil of softness 2B and rubber crumb.

Course: 1° to 5° Basic
Day: Monday
Hours: 16:05 a 17:30
Value: $30.000

Course: 6° a 12°
Day: Thursday
Hours: 16:05 a 17:30
Value: $30.000
A teacher for all courses: Paulina Herrera – pherreracuv@gmail.com


Este taller tiene como objetivo acercar a los niños a la cocina a través de la responsabilidad, proponiendo su participación en las preparaciones saludables, además de generar el interés en el aspecto creativo culinario y disfrutar del armado de platos entretenidos. 

Course: 1° y 2° básico
Day: Wednesday
Hours: 16:05 a 17:30
Value: $35.000
Professor: Victoria Fitzpatrick- vfitzpatrick@scross.cl y Claudia Herrera – cherrera@scross.cl


Course: Pre kínder y Kínder
Day: Tuesday
Hours: 13:15 a 14:30 horas
Value: To $30,000 monthly
Professor: Soledad Carrasco – carrascosole@gmail.com

Course: 1° a 4°
Day: Tuesday
Hours: 16:05 a 17:30 horas
Value: To $30,000 monthly
Sala Música Básica
Professor: Soledad Carrasco – carrascosole@gmail.com


Hi everybody! My name is Miss Andrea and on this program we are going to have a lot of fun! We will play, sing, draw and talk while we practice our english and make new friends! Be sure to bring your best attitude and energy so that we can enjoy our time. See you there!!

Course: 1° y 2° básico
Day: Monday
Hours: 16:05 a 17:30 horas
Value: $35.000 mensual
Professor: Andrea Rodríguez – arodriguez@scross.cl

Course: 3° y 4° básico
Day: Tuesday
Hours: 16:05 a 17:30 horas
Value: $35.000 mensual
Professor: Andrea Rodríguez – arodriguez@scross.cl

NEW! YOGA Y MEDITACIÓN “Un momento para mí”

Este taller invita crear una instancia de encuentro práctica y entrega herramientas para la autoobservación y aplicación de técnicas para el manejo del estrés, organización, estado físico y/o emocional cotidianos, con la finalidad de que puedan armonizar su vida personal, académica y social con la experiencia del yoga y mindfulness.

Courses: 9° a 12°
Hours: 16:05 a 17:30 hrs.
Value: $35.000 mensual
Professor: Marisela Gil – mgil@cessusscross.cl


Promote the development of scientific skills in a playful and experimental way, responding to questions/situations of everyday life. In this way, students are invited to question themselves: Why is this happening? And to answer these types of questions through inquiry, creating little scientists.

Course: 1° y 2° básico
Day: Wednesday
Hours: 16:05 a 17:30 horas
Value: $30.000
Professor: Ignacia Santa María – isantamaria@scross.cl y María Paz Román – mroman@scross.cl


Este taller tiene como objetivo incentivar a los niños, potenciando su pensamiento científico, y desarrollando la imaginación al crear hipótesis.

Course: Kindergarten
Day: Wednesday
Hours: 13:15 a 14:30 horas
Value: $30.000
Professor: Victoria Fitzpatrick – vfitzpatrick@scross.cl y Claudia Herrera – cherrera@scross.cl


Consiste en el aprendizaje y desarrollo de la técnica de prensado en flores, usándolas como material nuevo para crear objetos especiales como cuadros, decoración de velas, frascos y creación de marcalibros y posavasos.

Course: 3° a 8° básico
Day: Tuesday
Hours: 16:05 a 17:30 horas
Value: $35.000
Professor: Teresita Pinochet – tpinochet@scross.cl


Desarrollar la creatividad, motricidad fina y gruesa, a través de trabajos en plano y volumen con distintos materiales y técnicas (telas, lanas, materiales reciclados, pintura, tejido, entre otros).

Course: 1° y 2° básico
Day: Thursday
Hours: 16:05 a 17:30 horas
Value: To $30,000 monthly

Course: 3° y 4° básico
Day: Tuesday
Hours: 16:05 a 17:30 horas
Value: To $30,000 monthly
Profesora: Alejandra Sotomayor – alesotomayor@gmail.com


Course: PK y K
Day: Friday
Hours: 13:15 a 14:30 horas
Value: $35.000 mensual
Profesoras: Camila Ahuile (psicóloga) – cahuile@gmail.com y Camila Labraña – clabrana@scross.cl


Utilizando herramientas como Scratch, Minecraft, Code Monkey, Code Combat, entre otros, le enseñaremos a los participantes fundamentos básicos de la programación. Taller muy entretenido y práctico para que niñas y niños se motiven con las ciencias de la computación.

Course: 2° a 4° básico
Day: Wednesday
Hours: 16:05 a 17:30 horas
Value: To $30,000 monthly
Forma de pago: Transferencia, Mensual o semestre.
El taller se impartirá con un mínimo de 5 participantes.
Profesor a cargo: José Sandoval – jose@scross.cl